hyper is going BETA! ⚡️️️⚡️
Our small developer preview has reached 100 accounts 🎉 and we are thankful 🙏 for the support and encouragement. Now that all of our hyper OSS ports are available via the cloud service we are ready to invite more developers to the platform.
hyper will always have a free tier for developers, giving developers a chance to evaluate, prototype and experiement.
Signup and start innovating today with hyper at https://dashboard.hyper.io
Events in March
There is a lot going on in March 2022 in the hyper verse.
March 17 - CHSJS Meetup - Remix and Github Actions

You can register here: https://www.meetup.com/CharlestonJS/events/283033703/
March 23 - Starters Guide to API Development

You can register here: https://www.charlestondigitalcorridor.com/talent/cdcu/1620179435385-starters-guide-api-design-scalable-application-architecture/
March 29 - Opensource 101 - hyper OSS
You can register here: https://opensource101.com/registration/
Keep on a lookout for the hyper BETA announcement! 👀
Join our Slack community and say 👋 https://hyper.io/slack